Monday, October 11, 2010

Verse Immortal from a Class VI Child

"I am a teacher by choice.....because I know a teacher affects eternity, he can never tell where his influence stops", futher I added , "...for I realize that it is better than a thousand days of a diligent study than one day with a great teacher".

For I was responding in one of the interactive sessions, in response to the question of a little angel that was ,"You are a teacher by choice or fate?". I got another bouncer, "You are the youngest teacher. What makes you to opt teaching as your profession?". "To teach is to touch a life... forever!" was my reply. I concluded by saying , "I opted teaching as my profession for I wanted to remain enthusiastic, young and innocent like you guys, always. For you people are highly energetic, open-minded, free from all kind of prejudices and above all I get a lot of chance to learn from you".

Today, when I look back over my short career of teaching, I never regret of my being a teacher, but I am proud of, and will be proud of always. Soon, I am going to migrate to the national capital for my further study, I do feel, I must miss everything. One thing, I am damn sure of, if  you give your time in teaching, you will find your soul revjuvenating for there will be various occasions when spring will blossom into your heart. This I realized once again today like many other instances, when one girl of class VI, KARISHMA RAJ, composed some verses on the spot as a part of creative writing. The verses have depth beyond measures, simplicity beyond words and beauty unfathomable, and above all these verses were pregnant with messages.

Hereby, I take the privilege to quote her verses IMMORTAL (as I do feel):

१. जब बहुत तेज धुप होती है,
एक थका हारा इन्सान,
पेड़ की ठंडी छाया के नीचे आकर बैठता है
तो लगता है की जैसे जन्नत मिल गयी
पर लोग तो उसी जन्नत को कटते है,

२. सूरज की वह मुलायम किरने
जो बादल की छन्नी में छन् कर आती हैं
कितनी मुलायम लगती है,
वैसा ही होता है इन्सान
चलते वक़्त में तो कठोर होता है,
पर जब प्यार मिलता है तो
प्यार की छन्नी में छन्ना हुआ प्यार मिलता है.

३.चाँद की चांदनी,
हाय! कितनी सुंदर,
गुलाब के फूल पर
अँधेरी रातो में उसकी चांदनी,
जैसे किसी सुन्दर लड़की ने ओढा हो,
चांदनी की चादर,
यह है सुन्दरता की परिभाषा.

४. बहती नदी का पानी
चमकीला, बहुत चमकीला,
इसके बहने की आवाज,
चूड़ियों की खं-खं से भी मीठा,
पर लोग कर रहे  मैला
रोकना होगा, वरना सबकुछ
हो जायेगा तबाह.

1 comment:

  1. Very mature thoughts and remarkably expressed by a sixth standard child. The teacher deserved great credit too for having discussed the value of environmental propriety.
